New project Goalst
I got the idea of Goalst two days before the New Year. I wanted a place to keep track of my goals for 2011. I also wanted to have social functions around the lists to have people motivating each other to
Drupal 7 contact block
I wrote my first Drupal 7 module. It's a small module that puts the sitewide contact form in a block.
Theming Drupal user login page
Since I didn't find a good tutorial for theming the Drupal login page I wrote one here. This is for the page if you want to theme the login block or login form take a look at http://drupal.org/node/350634.
The Drupal search
Drupals built in search functionality isn't the best. But what's good is that it's not to hard to make it better. Here's a simple tutorial built with the Search Lucene API module.
The website
About the purpose of this site you can read in my previous post. Here I will go through a bit about how it's build. My main tool for developing websites is Drupal and this site is built on version 6.